Adult Befriending
When asked, “What has been the best thing about having a volunteer befriender involved in your life?” befriendees said:
"Having company for coffee, walks, historical sites, meals and football."
“The best thing about having a befriender is getting out and socialising and having someone to talk to about ordinary things.”
“Doing a different thing I wouldn’t normally do myself.”
“Doing things I like with company.”
“Befriending allows me someone to talk about things I couldn’t talk to family about. I get freedom and I am not alone for the whole weekend.”
Counselling Services
“Just having someone listen helps you accept that your feelings are genuine and understandable.”
“Helped me think through possible tools/strategies to deal with difficult events/ situations.”
“The counsellor was very kind and understanding. I just needed someone to talk to and she always understood.”
“This therapy has benefited me greatly – it has helped me to find a way to feel better about myself and move on with my life.”
Time to Talk – What children and young people said was best about the service:
“… talk about anything and its private, not discussed with the school.”
“… it helps to ‘unconfuse’ things being felt and it gives you someone to confide in.”
“… got to talk – the only one who can listen. Sometimes mum and dad aren’t very good at listening.”
“…good to talk about stuff – gives me release.”
Home Support Service
“I have told the social worker that I would not still be here if it was not for the weekly support I get from my HSS worker. I truly believe this is this is the case. My worker goes above and beyond to support me and keep me working towards a path of recovery. I do not know what I would do without this.”
“Support from Action in Mind has enabled me to live a fuller life and to face situations that previously would have left me in crisis and housebound. Through their support I am able to volunteer and attend a weekly jewellery making class, both things that would have been impossible previously. It also helps me to monitor my condition to enable me to recognise when my symptoms are becoming problematic.”
Hub Service
“Coming to Action in Mind helps me to interact with people, learn different hobbies and most importantly resolve problems and be supported when problems become too much.”
“The Hub gives me a purpose to my day as I meet others, and take part in activities and discussions.”
“I have a place I feel safe to go to where I feel I can talk openly about what’s going on in my life. I have support when I need it most. I am able to participate with others sometimes and know its ok if I need to talk to someone they will listen.”
“Having someone to help and talk to has helped me feel better, it helps me feel good about myself.”
“Over the last 2 years I’ve went from a shy, no confidence girl and now I’m much more active and the support has been immense.”
“It has helped when having problems with benefits and having support at meetings that I would probably not have attended also support from CAB. I feel I can speak to people at the hub, and attending the hub helps me with socialising, which all helps with the way I feel that day.”
Rural Service
“Mental Health is not one size fits all and I think the work you do has helped me and my family immensely. I would have probably taken my own life without this support. The service has been pivotal in my well-being and family’s expectations.”
“The worker has helped me get my life back after a lot of wasted years and I am now more able to deal with issues that arise.”