Our volunteer befrienders are locally recruited and offer their free time to the befriending service. They must be 18 years or over and fulfill all of the requirements outlined in our bespoke volunteer recruitment and training program. Throughout their time working with our clients, they are provided with ongoing support from the Service Manager.
Who can use the Befriending Service?
Adults over the age of 18 who are struggling with their mental health and do not live in supported accommodation can access our befriending service. As the service operates in the local community, individuals must be able to leave their home independently.
They can be referred by any person working with them in a professional capacity.
What happens in Befriending?
Our service users can expect to be supported by a volunteer Befriender on a one-to-one basis to engage with activities within the local community. Befriending clients are supported to devise their own personal goal plan by identifying key outcomes that they wish to achieve as a result of befriending support. It is the role of Befrienders to help motivate the client to take progressive steps towards achieving these. Befriending support is available to people for 12 months.
What befriendees say about the befriending service:
“The social contact with the befriender and being treated as a person not an illness was the most useful aspect of the support.”
“Befriending boosted my confidence and enabled me to be service-free for the first time.”
“I feel like I have taken a step forward in getting better. I feel that the befriending service has helped me with my depression and anxiety but mostly the social isolation.”
“She talks to me and listens to what I have to say.”