From when you make your initial enquiry about volunteering at Action in Mind there are a number of steps that all interested parties are invited to take. These include:
- Informal Meeting –people expressing an interest in Befriending or becoming a support volunteer within the Hub Centre are invited to attend a Volunteering with AiM information coffee evening or, if they prefer, a 1-to-1 informal meeting with a member of the volunteer management team. These informal events help people to learn more about our charity and the work we do, and how you fit in as a volunteer befriender or support volunteer. It’s also an opportunity to meet others interested in volunteering.
- Volunteer Application Pack – following their informal meeting attendance, potential befrienders and service volunteers are asked to complete and submit a full application prior to their formal interview. This includes completing:
- Application Form – The application form has four pages and can be returned electronically or in hard copy prior to the formal interview. Current CVs can be included with the completed application for additional information.
- Short Questionnaire – The purpose is to assist our selection decisions and individual induction preparation.
- Appendices – Data Protection Statement, Protecting Vulnerable Groups – Criminal Convictions & Cautions Declaration, Equal Opportunities Monitoring Questionnaire (optional), Citizenship Status Declaration.
- Formal Interview – The service manager leads on the questions and the other staff member keeps a written record of the interview responses on the individual’s interview form to assist with our selection decisions.
- Notification – We notify all volunteer applicants of the outcome of the formal interview as to whether they have been successful or not.
- Successful applicants – are invited to take part in the next training course, references are sought and any individuals who are not PVG (Protecting Vulnerable Groups) registered will be required to apply (we can help with this). If already a member of the PVG scheme we may request an updated record.