Volunteer training now takes place over a one-day intensive course, delivered by the Hub and Befriending service leads. This is normally followed through with induction to the specific services as there will be different criteria and requirements that volunteers will be expected to be familiar with.
Volunteers are also mandated to complete adult and child protection training which is made available to us on a periodic basis. There may be opportunities also to undertake ASIST training and also Scottish Mental Health First Aid.
The Core Volunteer Programme
It aims to:
- prepare people for becoming a befriender or service volunteer at Action in Mind
- to give opportunity for prospective volunteers to meet each other and get to know service managers for befriending and the Hub Centre services
- provide staff with an opportunity to assess each applicant’s suitability for befriending and the Hub Centre
- recruit and place people in the best suited service, by mutual agreement.
It includes:
- an exploration of befrienders/volunteers motivations, expectations, hopes and fears
- attitudes and values - prejudices and discrimination /equal opportunities/stigma & discrimination
- mental Health Awareness/Local services
- safeguarding (adults, children and young people)
- confidentiality
- communication and listening skills
- helpful Relationships
- boundaries
- relationship beginnings and endings
- personal development / self-reflection
- roles and responsibilities
- befrienders/volunteers support & supervision
- policies and procedures e.g. Confidentiality, Health & Safety, Lone Working, Emergency Procedures, Complaints/Grievance Policy, Travel & Expenses, etc.
All volunteers receive copies of the Volunteer Charter and the Volunteer Handbook.